What We believe
We believe in the only truly living God, and that there is a Trinity of Persons in the Godhead: God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and yet there are not three Gods, but one God.
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament are the Word of God and the only true rule of faith and practice.
We believe that sin was imputed to all men because of the fall of Adam and that man is incapable of saving himself from his lost condition.
We believe in the everlasting love of God for His people, that the grace necessary for salvation has appeared to all men, and that man’s redemption was planned by the Godhead before the foundation of the world.
We believe the righteousness of Christ was imputed to sinners and is the only ground of their justification before God.
We believe that the Spirit of the power of God will effectually call, regenerate, sanctify, and support those who were chosen in Christ, so that they may persevere in grace, and that not one of them will be eternally lost.
We believe that good works are the fruit of faith. They follow justification and are the evidence of a precious state.
We believe there will be a resurrection of the dead and a general judgment, and that the happiness of the righteous and punishment of the wicked will be eternal.
We affirm Jesus Christ as Lord of all and that He is One in substance with the Father. By Him all things were created and made via the spoken word of God; He is our salvation, come down from heaven, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, was crucified, and died for our sins. We believe that He was buried, and raised from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of Father God. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him, and He shall return to the earth in glory to judge the living and the dead; and His kingdom shall never end.